Welcome to the Carolina Men’s Baseball League
Who We Are
Joe Seme, Lou Howard, and Frank Amoroso share a common bond, the love of the great game of baseball. They have played together on the Wilmington, North Carolina Old Salts in the Roy Hobbs Senior Men’s Tournament held annually in Ft. Myers, Florida for the last several years. Their motto is “Forever Baseball, Forever Young” and they have established the Carolina Men’s Baseball League for adult players to share the fun and camaraderie of baseball with those looking to experience the sounds, smells (yes, analgesic balm), and joy of playing America’s Pastime.
What We Are
The CMBL is a full-fledged adult wooden bat baseball league with teams in Wilmington and Jacksonville. We play a 14-game regular season that begins in mid-March and runs through June. In July, we hold a double-elimination playoff to crown a champion. As for skill level, the CMBL is a great league for all ranges of skill levels, from guys who played in college to guys who haven’t played since little league. Yet, the league remains competitive year in and year out.
If you love baseball and miss the sweet feeling of lacing up your cleats, slipping on your glove, and hitting the field, the CMBL is for you. This is your chance to be a Baseball player, again. See you on the Diamond!
Please patronize our sponsors – Alpha Dogs Sports Gear, Queensboro Shirt Company, Brunswick Family Dentistry, Coastal Athletics, Novus Glass, Catlin Engineering + Scientists, Stadium Batting Cages of Wilmington, Carolina Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Specialists, the Wilmington Sharks, Image Finishers, Woodbury Insurance, Active Care Chiropractic + ESPN Radio AM630.
Carolina Mens Baseball League, Inc.
Visit Website Email: Carolinamensbaseball@gmail.com
Phone: Ethan King (910) 443-2303
Address: P.O. Box 329, Wrightsville Beach, N.C. 28480